General rental conditions

  1. The driver must present, exhibit and issue a copy of his driving license (valid category B license) and will have to be in possession for a minimum period of time established by Italian law. The driving license must be legible and not abraded and must be shown in the original.
  2. The age Minimum rental requirement is of 25 years of age. Payment of the rental amount and any charges resulting from damage or total and/or partial loss of the rented vehicle must be guaranteed at the time of rental, through all instruments permitted by law with the exception of bank checks and/or bills of exchange which do not will be accepted.
    Payment and/or the release of the security deposit must be made with the main credit cards, if accepted by the renter, subject to specific authorization being issued by the issuing institution.
  3. A security and guarantee deposit is required equal to the deductible for damages, as indicated below, and which may be can also be made, subject to payment authorization, by credit card.
  4. The rented car is equipped with the following insurance coverage: RCA (Automotive Civil Liability) for damage caused to third parties; ARD (Auto Various Risks) fire, total or partial theft, natural and sociopolitical events, windows, assistance.
  5. Deductible in case of damage to the vehicle.
    Upon returning the vehicle, the Customer is responsible for responsible for any damage to the vehicle that was not previously indicated and detailed in the rental contract at the time of delivery of the vehicle and signing of the same.
    In case of damage to the bodywork, to the interior of the rented car, to the wheels and tires (of any type) it will be a fixed excess will be charged as indicated on the rental contract and is generally equal to 15% of the commercial value of the vehicle (including VAT) as follows: as resulting from the main market quotation tools (Eurotax Giallo, AlVolante, 4Ruote and similar). In the event that the damage is reasonably estimated to be less than 50% of the aforementioned fixed deductible, the same fixed deductible will be charged with a 50% reduction. In no case, however, will the fixed deductible be able to never be less than half of the value mentioned above (15% of the market value of the vehicle).
    In the event that the damage was caused by the person who made the rental, he/she also agrees to pay the daily rental rate for the entire period of technical downtime in which the car cannot be used. be used as it is being repaired.
  6. In the event of fire or total theft, which must be immediately (and in any case no later than 6 hours) reported to RSE Italia srl, it will be a fixed excess will be charged, on the declared value, as indicated on the rental contract and so on. as better specified in the previous point 5 (15% of the commercial value).
  7. The Customer will be required to return the keys to RSE Italia, within the time established for the delivery of the vehicle and in any case within 24 hours of discovering the theft or fire.
  8. The customer is not authorized to carry out any repairs to the vehicle.
  9. The rental price is including a limited daily mileage (100 km), beyond which an amount per kilometer must be agreed, indicated in the rental contract itself. In the absence of indications in the contract, the price for each additional kilometer will be is of Euro 2.50 plus VAT.
  10. In the event that the vehicle is not available for any reason on the booked day, RSE Italia will be able to propose a vehicle of the same or higher category. The Customer will be able to in this case, give up the rental and receive a refund of what may have already been paid. paid, without anything else to claim ever and under no circumstances for any reason.
  11. Rates do not include fuel. Vehicles are normally delivered with a full tank of fuel. Any fuel missing at the time of return will be charged to the Customer at a flat rate of €60.00 for each quarter of a missing tank.
  12. Ordinary maintenance, oil and lubricant are included in the rate. Any costs for roadside assistance must be expressly approved by RSE Italia srl ​​and the request for intervention must be demonstrated using the contacts on the rental contract, and will be reimbursed only upon presentation of the original invoice. In the event of vehicle breakdown, the customer is responsible for the required to organize the transport of the vehicle to the RSE Italia headquarters within the terms set out in the rental contract. Abandonment of the vehicle, in addition to any civil and criminal consequences, will result in automatically the customer will be charged an amount equal to the maximum deductible referred to in point 5 above.
  13. By signing the rental contract, the Customer acknowledges the fact that the vehicle is in good working condition and free of apparent defects and undertakes to return it to RSE Italia srl ​​in the same conditions and on the date indicated on the rental contract itself. RSE Italia srl ​​reserves the right to terminate the contract and regain possession of the vehicle at any time and if it is used in violation of the "Conditions of Use&rdquo. listed below. The rented vehicle can be collected and returned to one of the RSE Italia srl ​​offices or to another place agreed in advance; as a rule, delivery and redelivery must take place in the same location, unless explicitly authorized by RSE Italia srl ​​which, in the case of delivery and/or redelivery to a place other than the established one, may request adequate refreshment.
  14. The rental duration is calculated in days, understood as 24-hour periods and the applied rate is calculated on 24-hour periods. The vehicle must be returned within the established time; in case of delay of more than 60 minutes it will be charged an additional day of rental. 
  15. Failure to return the keys or booklet will result in the continuation of the rental until delivery of the same in their entirety; or a written declaration of loss or theft. The loss or theft of any of the aforementioned objects will result in a penalty of 1000.00 €.
  16. The Customer and the driver are responsible for any infringements of the Highway Code and are required to pay any contraventions, fines or sanctions that may be imposed on them (either through immediate notification or by subsequent notification, also to RSE Italia srl ) throughout the rental period of the vehicle. In the event of non-payment of the above directly, the Customer expressly authorizes RSE Italia srl ​​to have the relevant amounts charged to the credit card(s) indicated on the rental contract. The Customer undertakes to send to RSE Italia srl, within 48 hours, any report notified to him by the public authority. Failing this he will be responsible for any damage suffered by RSE Italia srl, even indirectly, due to failure to promptly transmit. In the event of a request from the police force, RSE Italia srl ​​is obliged to provide the name of the driver or drivers who will receive notification of the fine for payment. In the event of points being deducted from the driving licence, RSE Italia is deemed authorized to communicate the data of the driver who carried out the rental. In this regard, at the time of rental the driver is required to provide RSE Italia with a copy of their signed driving licence, with express authorization to communicate the license data for the purpose of deducting points for infringements committed during the rental period itself.
  17. For payment, one or two credit cards (NOT prepaid) are required at the time of booking, depending on the car category and model. The total payment takes place at the time of booking and is not included in the price. more refundable.
  18. The amount of the security deposit relating to damage and theft coverage will be blocked on the customer's credit card 5 days before the rental start date or upon delivery of the car. In this case, you may payment of the said amount be provided in all other ways permitted by law with the exception of bank checks and/or bills of exchange.
  19. The impossibility to block the security deposit by the rental start date and time, or in any case failure to pay the same for any reason, will result in 100% of the rental price will be charged without having to worry any more no right to collect and use the car.
  20. Booking can be be canceled up to 48 hours in advance but in no case will there be any right to reimbursement, but will be able to just agree with RSE Italia on another date to take advantage of the canceled rental. Beyond 48 hours, in case of no-show at the car collection point, you will lose your payment. every right to the enjoyment of the rental and will remain purchase from RSE Italia the price paid.
  21. Within the limits established by law RSE Italia srl ​​will not be able to be held responsible for any damage suffered by the Customer or third parties resulting from the use of the vehicle; for damages or inconveniences resulting from late delivery; for any other cause beyond the control of RSE Italia srl.
  22. The Customer is required to look after and use the vehicle with due diligence and in particular must not allow the vehicle to be used in the following cases.
    By activity of sub-rental. For the transport of people or things for commercial purposes, against any payment or in cases prohibited by law. To push or tow vehicles, caravans, trailers or anything else. For racing, trials or competitions. In all cases it is Use on the racetrack is prohibited. Use on the racetrack - identified by RSE Italia via satellite system or vehicle appraisal upon return - will result in the excess referred to in point 5 (15% of the commercial value) will automatically be charged. For driving by the Customer or the driver who is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or barbiturates or any other substance that may affect the knowledge or ability to drive. and the promptness of reaction the Customer is informed of all civil and criminal consequences. Driving outside Italian territory without the prior written authorization of RSE Italia is prohibited and is any use in violation of Italian laws is prohibited.
  23. Any accident must be reported immediately and in any case no later than six hours to RSE Italia srl. An accident report (i.e. the C.I.D Friendly Findings) must be completed at any time, if requested, and in any case always when the vehicle is returned. The Customer undertakes to obtain data relating to the witnesses and vehicles involved.
  24. The Customer also undertakes to cooperate with RSE Italia srl ​​in any criminal and civil investigation or proceeding.
  25. The person who signs the rental contract in the name and on behalf of other people and/or companies will respond jointly and severally with his representative of the obligations undertaken towards RSE Italia srl ​​and within the limits established by law, the Customer declares to indemnify RSE Italia srl ​​from any claim connected to the circulation of the vehicle and from any damage to the vehicle or to the Customer himself or by third parties immediately, unless the fact is exclusively attributable to RSE Italia srl.
  26. For any dispute, the Court of Arezzo is exclusively recognized as the competent court.